Mounted on glas only or according to personal wishes.
Information on Limited Edition
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Series I 0,125 m² (34 cm x 34 cm):
37°08’16″N 110°12’00″W first nation ground, colorado plateau
29°49’0.58″N 35° 2’45.43″E
I grab land, negev desert
sorry, sold!
20°37’9.53″S 14°25’4.38″E grey planetary surface, central namib
19°21’55.04″S 13° 7’8.92″E porcupine scatch, northern namib
23°34’8.65″S 15°50’20.35″E lizzard on mount, eastern namib dune
19°21’10.32″S 13° 9’24.64″E river cliff, northern namib
20°37’15.40″S 14°25’8.16″E four directions, central namib
23°34’0.73″S 15°50’57.70″E tracks, eastern namib dune field
23°27’21.13″S 15°21’7.06″E oryx mirabeb, central namib
19°18’58.47″S 13°15’10.14″E oryx heart, northern namib
Series III 0,25 m² (50 cm x 50 cm):
20°37’9.52″S 14°24’58.68″E gondwana, central namib
20°37’16″S 14°25’04″E Gondwana, finding site…
20°37’16″S 14°25’04″E Gondwana, fixing surface…
19°22’2.11″S 13° 6’19.01″E 200,000 years, northern namib
19°22’2.11″S 13° 6’19.01″E light from side
19°22’2.11″S 13° 6’19.01″E place of origin
19°13’36.61″S 13°22’17.05″E acacia seedling breaking through, northern namib
19°13’36.61″S 13°22’17.05″E light from the side
19°13’36.61″S 13°22’17.05″E place of origin
23°34’7.44″S 15° 2’50.75″E a bird’s landing, namib dune
23°34’7.44″S 15° 2’50.75″E light from side
23°34’7.44″S 15° 2’50.75″E detail
Series IV 0,5 m² (71 cm x 71 cm):
23°34’0.83″S 15° 2’29.51″E water patterns, central namib
23°34’0.83″S 15° 2’29.51″E place of origin
sorry sold
24°43’58.28″S 15°18’27.97″E place of origin
22°49’14.23″S 14°34’53.61″E universal pattern IV, coastal namib
22°49’14.23″S 14°34’53.61″E place of origin
sorry sold
22°46’44.22″S 14°34’28.19″E place of origin
20°37’12.30″S 14°25’5.41″E, gondwana landscape, central namib
20°37’12.30″S 14°25’5.41″E place of origin
19°22’9.59″N 16° 5’6.72″W mauritanian dune, west sahara
19°22’9.59″N 16° 5’6.72″W place of origin
19°13’53.29″S 13°22’31.92″E dune and clay terrace, northern namib
19°13’53.29″S 13°22’31.92″E place of origin
37° 8’19.81″N 110°12’10.62″W change of perspectives, colorado plateau
37° 8’19.81″N 110°12’10.62″W place of origin
sorry sold
22°44’35.27″S 14°34’9.20″E side winder snake, coastal namib
23°34’6.91″S 15°50’24.98″E universal pattern II, eastern namib
23°34’11.07″S 15° 2’51.31″E universal pattern I, central namib
Series VI 1,0 m² (100 cm x 100 cm):
24°18’39.01″S 18°47’43.24″E
oryx racks, kalahari
24°18’47.88″S 18°47’37.10″E
pattern I, kalahari
24°18’48.27″S 18°47’36.74″E
pattern II, kalahari
16° 5’6.67″W
mauritanian dune, west sahara
more 1m² to come